Research 2 (Thesis Writing) is an advanced course designed to guide BS Biology 4 students through the process of developing, writing, and refining their undergraduate thesis. Building on foundational research skills acquired in Research 1 (Thesis Proposal), students will engage in a structured, yet self-directed, approach to producing a substantial, original research project.
Throughout the course, students will:
- review their approved Research Proposal by incorporating the comments made by their panel members during their proposal defense, in coordination with their adviser;
- submit their revised proposal to the University Ethics Committee for review and approval;
- do pilot-testing of their experiment so as to produce a reliable research design, selecting appropriate methodologies, and justifying their choices;
- conduct final experiment in order to collect valid data and encode them correctly in a statistical program;
- analyze data and present these in graphic or tabular form;
- write Chapter 4 (Results and DIscussion) and Chapter 5 (Conclusion and Recommendation)
- craft a well-organized thesis document, including writing, revising, and editing drafts of each chapter, including the preliminaries and appendices; and
- present and defend their paper orally, in front of the same set of panel members, including constructing effective presentations and responding to feedback.
The course emphasizes critical thinking, academic writing, and independent research skills. Students will work closely with a faculty advisor to ensure that their thesis meets academic standards and contributes to their field of study. By the end of the course, students will have completed a polished, comprehensive thesis ready for defense and submission.
- Teacher: Sharon Ann Mendoza